Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fwagpole Music Awords

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Tofu Baby
Wast Thursday was the Fwagpole Music Awords! It is part of Athfest, the big music festival that is each year here in Athens. It was wots of fun! I saw so many good bands, oh and some of my favowits won awords, too!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Alicia, Pete
Here is Pete and Awicia getting weady for the first awords and pweformers!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Alicia, Michelle, Pete
This is Michewe, the music editor at Fwagpole. She willy does awot for the awords pwesentation. She is gweat.

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Los Meesfits
Wos Meesfits pwayed a few songs. They willy got me dancing!!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Circulatory System
Circuwatowee System pwayed a song, too. I wuv Ewephant 6.

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Reptar
Everyone who made it to the end of the night saw Weptar was wast to pway, and I was so sweepy by the end of the night.

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