Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tofu Baby Super Fan: Awison

Tofu Baby meets Super Fan Allison at Hobby Lobby.
I went to Hobby Wobby on Fwiday wooking for some cwaft suppwies. Much to my supwise, I met Camille and Awison, who were vewy excited to meet me! I had my photo taken with me, my manager, and Awison! Nice to meet you two and see you soon!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fwagpole Music Awords

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Tofu Baby
Wast Thursday was the Fwagpole Music Awords! It is part of Athfest, the big music festival that is each year here in Athens. It was wots of fun! I saw so many good bands, oh and some of my favowits won awords, too!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Alicia, Pete
Here is Pete and Awicia getting weady for the first awords and pweformers!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Alicia, Michelle, Pete
This is Michewe, the music editor at Fwagpole. She willy does awot for the awords pwesentation. She is gweat.

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Los Meesfits
Wos Meesfits pwayed a few songs. They willy got me dancing!!

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Circulatory System
Circuwatowee System pwayed a song, too. I wuv Ewephant 6.

Flagpole Music Awards 2010 - Reptar
Everyone who made it to the end of the night saw Weptar was wast to pway, and I was so sweepy by the end of the night.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Meet Tofu Baby Super Fan: Becky Johnson

Becky coming to visit Tofu Baby.

Wast week I met my Super Fan, Becky Johnson. Becky busted thwough my door wast week and bwought some dwinks with her, too. After I wet her in, she told me a widdle about herself. She wuns Sweetie Pie Pwess on Etsy, and her bwog. Becky has been twavewing all awound with Aitor fwom the Misanthwope Specialty Co. and attending vawious cwaft shows and art events all over the wowold. They came all the way fwom Towonto, Canada, just to pay me a visit!

Becky is a Super Tofu Baby Fan.
Becky is also an impwov comedian. She is vewy sihwee, as you can see. We had a good chat, and then I had to send her on her way.

Becky wuvs Tofu Baby.

Superfan, Becky Johnson, with her Tofu Baby shirt.
I wet her outside and she pwoceeded to dance in my dwiveway! Nice meeting you, Super Fan Becky!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So Sweepy

Tofu Baby embroidered pillow final 3
Wook! I made one of my comics into an embwoidered piwoh. Here is bear sweeping!